In-Home Sleep Diagnostic Ring Test

Ring : 45 x 60 x 20 mm(1)
Cradle : 60 x 140 x 60 mm(2)
Ring : 13g
Cradle : 177g
Battery min. 7 nights of measurement(3)
Memory min. 20 nights of measurement(3)
(1) 6 sizes are available for different finger sizes.
(2) The Cradle is used for recharging the Ring and storing data.
(3) Assuming 10-hour of measurement each night. The Ring is recharged by the Cradle and the data is stored in the Cradle.

IDENTIFY OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA in Diabetic & Cardiovascular Patients
Simple and Comfortable
Simple and easy for self-use
Small, lightweight and cableless design for non-intrusive measurement at night
Cost effective multiple-night home sleep test
Fast and 24x7
Cloud-based proprietary AI algorithm for sleep analysis
Sleep report is ready within minutes for instant review
Cloud platform let you access sleep data anywhere and anytime
Accurate and Reliable
FDA 510(k) cleared and ISO 13485 certified
Clinically-proven accuracy
High Sensitivity (0.85) and Specificity (0.87) for AHI ≥ 15
High correlation with PSG in both Total Sleep Time (TST) and AHI